Monday, November 17, 2008

I am the worst first time mom ever when it comes to taking pictures of my son. Lucky for me my dad ALWAYS has his camera ready. Unlike me who forgets to bring it, lets the battery die and can't remember to buy a new one, and basically is ill prepared to document her son's first year of life. But with a dad like mine I will never run short on pictures of my boy, thankfully! The good thing is this isn't his first grandchild so any more kids I have in the future have a pretty good chance of being photographed too. That way none of them will ever be left with the "skinny" photo album thanks to grandpa. The slideshow shows just a few of the pictures he took the last time we stopped by for a visit. I love the one where he's holding the basketball and looking up in the air with a big smile on his face.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

that stinks! I would be having a camera in that beautiful face all the time! haha. Cute pic of you and uncle dum hehe